hi there in this video I want to talk
about cartilage and meniscus tearthis is Aw Boon Wei your Exercise
Physiologist so regarding meniscus and cartilage tear a lot of people
come and they ask about you know things regarding cartilage and meniscus tear
and the very first thing that they would tell me is that they suspect that
there’s some tear in there and because it’s inside the knee and when they try to
google and when they try to find things online that is the only thing that they see and they think that there is some problem there so back to questioning
them and don’t understand what’s happening meniscus tear and
cartilage tear usually requires some form of impact so when there is some impact
you think about you know bone hitting bone or usually accidental the impact is
usually larger you look at you know at athletes sports player they have to get into a
very awkward position before they get something tear or torn around the knee so
this is what they suspect and the only way the only confirmation to do you know let
yourself know that there is something there is torn over there it’s basically
gonna be x-ray or MRI this kind of imaging can confirm that there is some tear
inside so there are also instances where the tear is not contributed by accident
or it’s not contributed by its not even a problem to start with
let me explain a lot of times people tend to load their knees on one side and
then the other you think of it more of taking a hammer and you try to knock on
a piece of wood so when you keep knocking and knocking you know for the
first few times to multiple times many many times you don’t get into
trouble but over time you will start to see that there is some dent or there’s
some damage on the wooden now you may feel pain around there but my question is
is it that the wood has got some problem or is it that the knocking has got some
problem which is the one that is giving you the problem because if we are just
gonna fix this which is your cartilage and your meniscus you gone through some
surgery which is gonna take like a month to three months depending on what kind
of procedure you go through this is fixed this is okay one month and three
months later this is perfect you have already changed your parts but this
hammering continues right so after a while this is going to happen so firstly you
need to find out what is happening that is causing
this if you had gone through some accident if you’ve gone through certain
things that has caused this to happen then
yes surgery may be the best option but if this is happening and you are always
loading something on to that area and this is always pounding over time then
you got to fix this this happens when the bone and the bone
which is your femur bone and your tibia bone is actually getting all this that
in between is basically your meniscus and your cartilage so this pounding happens the first thing that is gonna get it it’s gonna be of course
your meniscus and your cartilage when this happens over time then you get that
and when you go for your imaging that’s what you will find
but most people or even your other knee why is it that this is not happening whats wrong over there something that
you may need to ask yourself and I can just quickly tell you the answer
you don’t have to go and google to find out your muscles are not working properly
it’s not taking the load and hence the load is gonna be on the knees when the
load is on the knees that is why and how you get your tear in
the meniscus and your cartilage that is the reason so think of your other knee if
it is also giving you the problem or even when you go for a scan there is
some tear but you’re not having the pain that you need to start questioning
because a lot of times and there are also research that has a really shown
the imaging and the MRI doesn’t tell you how and why you get into the problem and
it only show you that that is happenning and that is that and period nothing
else well you first may be guessing that there’s the meniscus tear right so
if we take this out of the equation if it’s not and when discussed and the
cartilage anymore then you got to look at your muscle you have to get someone
to look at you to understand what is going through what kind of movement when
you are doing to then analyze why you’re having the problem because there are
many other muscles around the knee that can contribute to this answered
the time that you’re gonna take when you go for surgery the recovery time and the
problem may exist not because of the tape so stop guessing
go and find somebody ask yourself these few questions first because you’re not
going to help yourself if you just wait for you know the thing to recover this
is not going to recover this thing is always gonna be there okay so even if
you have how should I put it so resting may sometimes help but you don’t know
what’s happening right you may rest and this is not going on but when you start
to do something again this may happen so whether is it that you go for your surgery
whether is it that you go for your rehab whether you find someone to help you to
check you need to understand that this happens for a reason and the reason is the very
important thing that you need to find out so that you can get it fixed
and then you don’t get into the problem anymore some people don’t go for surgery
the tear is still there they can go for MRI an x-ray and they can still see
something then but they have no pain that is all I have for you today
please take care and try to find some
professionals instead of guessing what
is happening in there because you may be wrong and if you are assuming there is a very
high chance that you are wrong I’m not trying to fault you but
because you are just trying to Google and you are just trying to find the
things that you think you know of course whatever you type in Google it’s just
going to show you I’m putting this video up so that you know that the problem may exist not because of whatever that you typed over here there may be something
else so please look up it on on some of my other videos with a better
understanding of what could actually happen around the knee please take care I will see you soon bubbye
Categories: knee