this is Aw Boon Wei your exercise physiologist in this video I want to talk about non-surgical knee treatment hey there this is Boon, your exercise physiologists so if you have a fractured bone you met an accident bones crack
bones are coming out of your skin you will need this surgery there is nothing else that you can do if that happens to you but if you are having some pain and it’s not because you have a traumatic accident nothing
was broken there is no fracture there is a very high chance you do not need a surgery so non-surgical treatment usually and if you see a doctor the doctor will give you painkillers you will give you a non steroidal medicine they may also give you injections they may ask you to wear a brace but that’s really just to make sure that you don’t feel pain most of the time it is not as effective because it is not long-term once you stop doing all this the pain comes back again this is usually the case you never get into any issue but it slowly you start to realize that there is no pain over there quite common because for most people they term it under chronic knee pain and for most people because they don’t do anything they never take care of their knee no strengthening exercise whatsoever
involved they get themselves into trouble there are cases where there are people who do many things they go for a lot of exercises but they still get into knee pain that is another category let’s just talk about those who fall under the chronic ones who doesn’t do anything but then one day the knee pain strikes these are the people that faces that degeneration where the muscles are degenerated and it’s not strong enough to hold the knee in position and then when that happens when the muscles are not holding it the other structures will be taking the impact and the other structures around there would be the ligament would be your cartilage would be your own meniscus lastly before all these wear out then it will be the bone but before that you would already want to find out what’s giving you the knee problem because the pain can get quite painful already so there’s for chronic for those people who has been doing some form of workout who are feeling some pain because of work up these are the group of people that may be facing some issue where they overload muscle imbalance muscle strain muscle related that’s really how I would put it because when nothing is torn and you still feel the knee pain you are actually putting yourself in a position where you feel any pain I’ve seen quite a number of cases where and because that is very habitual they think that that is the most comfortable position probably because you know they feel stronger when they get himself in this position or they feel they are able to get into a certain position easily if you don’t condition yourself there’s no conditioning work there is no strengthening work and this repeats there’s a very high chance that you fall into the muscle overload category it can be running it can be gym work it could be I mean there’s so many kind of movements that you can get into I mean I’m naming more the common ones even swimmers get into that kind of problem so that is something that you need to take note in short yes there are actually things that you can do without surgery and that’s what we call rehab firstly you got to find out what’s happening
around knee so you have some assessment you have some check to go and see what’s giving you the problem and I’ve named them earlier on there could be things that you can do without surgery it depends on who you go to right if you go to a surgeon the surgeon will ask you to go for a surgery if you go for a doctor (GP) that the doctor will ask you to go and take some medicine if you go to somebody who is you know specialized in whatever they will tell you the treatment will help you in that certain thing but you have to gauge because you have to understand how it is giving you the problem usually movement-related it has to do with muscle if you are
rested and you still feel the pain means you’re just lying down there and you’re not doing anything you have rested you haven’t been going for your exercises for a while then structurally it is a problem there because you
haven’t been doing any work right or when works come in it just means all this it can be a bit more complicated unless you do some check you really don’t know what’s happening over there and movement related you can’t run away from muscle because muscles are the one that controls all your movement right that’s something that you need to be aware of so you need to if you haven’t been seeing anyone then you need to weigh yourself you need to understand if I haven’t been moving much and I’m feeling the pain then you are structurally I don’t have any problem that really cuts down the risk of that portion so you don’t even have to go for that MRI and x-rays because structurally it is not the problem and there’s those that’s controlling the movement that is contributing to the pain so that’s really all I have for you in this video so please take care if you don’t require to go for a surgery please don’t go for a surgery because it will take you months and sometimes years to get yourself back to your normal function of course if you need to go for a surgery like I mentioned in the video in this video way the start then just go for a surgery because you really need that alright so please take care I will speak to you soon