Hi in this video I want to talk about Posterior knee pain or pain behind your knees. Hi welcome back this is Aw Boon Wei your exercise physiologist so We can have pain around the knee So in this video, I want to just zoom in to the pain that’s happening behind the knee So when we talked about The knee structure then you will understand what could be the problem that can be contributing to your posterior knee problem right so mainly Three muscles two, very common ones and the other one probably out of 30 people that I’ve seen only one person has got their very special muscles getting into problem So the first one will be your hamstring group muscles So you have your bicep femoris you have your semi M and your semi T and then the other one would be your gastrocnemius Muscle in short we just call it gastroc, and then has another one that is small and kind of in between the knee and that’s your popliteus Not very common, but some people somehow do get that kind of problem. So Depending on what you did it also determines which muscle can get into problem so we’re gonna go into your anatomy again, and then we’ll talk about what kind of things that you could have done that Gives you the problem. Okay, so this is the one I’m talking about, rThis is your biceps femoris as you can see it’s called bicep femoris longus the short it’s just behind Your longus How it’s align is actually quite the same so this is part of your Hamstring muscle and then you have your semitendinosus coming from the hip and then to the side of your own knee and then you have your semimembranosus coming from your hip and to the side of the knee so that forms your Hamstring group muscles. a lot of people tend to forget but there’s actually a few muscles also connected and wrapped around your knee joint, okay, and they actually going downwards to your calf. So the most superficial Muscle over here is actually your gastrocnemius. so over here This is your gastroc muscle. there’s the medial head and then there is the lateral head so in a whole basically your entire gastroc muscle reason because it’s actually crossing your knee join and then it because it originates from there, right? So Behind your gastrocnemius So another one is your popliteus so it is actually coming from the lateral side To the medial side. not really the media media but very close to the media of your tibia bone over here Okay, so you see this bone here and then you see this over here. so if we talk about hamstrings The very common kind of Hamstring related problem that can cause pain behind the knee is well Athletes or even people outside that has got issue with the hamstring it can be weakness or it could be just strained and There are a lot of movements that can involve your hamstring but we know when we do a flexion of the knee Meaning when you try to curl your legs such that your heel is touching your buttock that is primarily the hamstrings contraction phase and When that happens your hamstrings are just shortening to make sure that you are able to do that movement and that’s the part where your hamstring gets to work and It doesn’t change in terms of its length this is what we call the isometric phase where you just hold it in a position and your hamstring is actually keeping your knees in the angle and that actually works and ring as well. So that’s the part where we call the eccentric work where you are actually trying to slow down the movement of getting your heels your ankle back to the position This time round your hamstring is doing the control It actually slows down that process because you don’t want to just drop that Is the eccentric phase of your hamstring movement So all muscles have got this three different phase and Because hamstring is one of the more powerful muscle. It does work quite a bit So a lot of people when they tend to Walk down the stairs or walk down the slopes your hamstring is actually stopping you controlling the movement and some people do feel knee pain going down the stairs that’s your hamstring some people tend to be Sprinting and because when we look at how we move when we sprint it is actually a lot of powerful explosive movements coming from the entry so that’s the hamstring and the other one that got involved is your gastrocnemius gastroc More commonly Doing tip-toe kind of movement or when you try to jump vertically This is the part where your calf muscle your gastroc gets to work a lot especially when you have especially when you have explosive movement powerful movement and When you try to toe off That’s when your gastroc works a lot You only when you look at the anatomy you kinda then understand which i just showed you so you may want to want to do some stretches first to determine that’s actually the muscles giving you the problem, of course if you can’t find The source of the problem. It’s always best to go and do for someone professional so that they can actually help you sort out and find out what’s the cause there may be more than this because Now I’m just talking about muscle We know that that these things called referred pain there’s things because of biomechanics Which I talk a lot. You won’t notice it because only somebody catches you and then film it for you Then you realize that you have that kind of problem. So there’s many many kind of problem but what I’m sharing with you over here has just the muscle giving you the problem. Ok, so you may want to look more into deepter into it because you want if you want to understand more about your knee pain just pertaining to posterior the back of the knee There are many other things that you don’t wanna missed out. So that’s all I have for you in this video So you have any questions don’t forget to post it in the comment section below and if you like my video don’t forget to subscribe for future videos and I’ll see you soon. take care. Bye